Report from a recent support visit to Kisiizi Hospital and Hope Community Clinic, Rwentobo

Monthly Update
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September 28, 2023

Debbie and Mick Burke were pleased to be able to visit Kisiizi Hospital and Hope Community Clinic between 15th  and 26th September. It was good to attend Nurse Martha's Graduation ceremony and the 25th Anniversary of the School of Nursing at Kisiizi and to represent Mission Rwentobo at the management team meeting for the clinic in Rwentobo.

We were able to take new uniforms for the staff team which were much appreciated. The team, led by Clinical Officer, Kato Julius, work so well together,  showing respect and compassion for patients as they seek to enable them to lead "Life in all its fulness."  They asked us to thank supporters for all the love and care shown to them and the Rwentobo community.

It was a privilege to work alongside Nurse Martha, vaccinating 23 babies during the weekly immunisation clinic.

Mick was able to paint some of the interior walls of the clinic which had been replastered. The exterior walls are also deteriorating in places so quotations are being obtained for repairs.We look forward to sharing our many photos and videos after we return to UK. Meanwhile, we would like to thank  you on behalf of the Rwentobo community for your prayer and financial support.  The needs are many but God is multiplying your gifts, blessing and building up those who live in such poverty.